Sabtu, 15 Oktober 2016

Sample Menu Mediterranean Diet To Lose Weight

Sample Menu Mediterranean Diet To Lose Weight
Mediterranean diet is one method of diet with nutrition that is inspired from traditional diet people of southern Italy, Greece, and Spain. The core of the program is to consume a diet of vegetables, fruit, and olive oil on a regular basis.

Not only lose weight, perpetrators Mediterranean diet can also reduce the risk of disease heart disease, metabolic syndrome, some types of cancer, obesity, type 2 diabetes, dementia, and Alzheimer's disease. Because this diet leads us to live a healthy and balanced diet.

Mediterranean diet

Mediterranean diet menu divides food into a pyramid shape as shown above. Bottom of the order is a menu of food that can be consumed every day. Menu above that can be consumed every week and the top one is a diet that can be consumed once a month.

Here are the rules of the Mediterranean diet food pyramid:

The third layer or the bottom
Menu contains food must be consumed every day. Some of them are fruits, vegetables, whole grains such as brown rice, olive oil beans, legumes.

the second layer
These foods should be consumed once in a week. Some of these marine protein sources such as fish and other seafood. Sources of protein derived from meat, poultry, eggs, and processed products from milk such as cheese and yogurt.

The first layer or top
These foods should be avoided or consumed as much as once a month. Among them is the sweet food and protein sources come from red meat.

Mediterranean Diet Menu Sample
Olive oil
Mediterranean dieters are advised to consume four or more tablespoons of olive oil per day. Good fats olive oil is very good for heart health.

You can combine nuts such as walnuts, almonds, and hazelnuts to consume each day. Besides being able to make full longer, nuts also proved to be good for the heart.

Fresh fruit
Dieters can consume three or more servings of fresh fruit every day and for fresh fruit juice 237 ml to 355 ml.

Fresh vegetables
Fresh vegetables are also important for the actors of the Mediterranean diet. You can consume two or more servings of vegetables per day and at least one serving of raw vegetables such as salad serving per day.

Fish and Meat White
You can eat 3 servings of fish and seafood once a week. Fish rich in omega-3 such as tuna or salmon can be the main selection menu. In addition, the consumption of lean chicken meat or turkey.

Use Substitutes
We recommend that you replace butter with healthy fats such as olive oil. Avoid using a lot of salt because it can increase the risk of high blood pressure. Instead, you can use spices or use very little salt.

Make Physical Activity
To get maximum results, have a physical activity such as running and swimming. The activity is part and parcel of everyday citizens Mediterranean coast. In addition, running and swimming is one of the cardio exercises to burn body fat overall.

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