Rabu, 30 November 2016

Before sleep clock 11 hours Help Lose Weight Bad

Before sleep clock 11 hours Help Lose Weight Bad
In contrast, people who go to bed from 11 pm to 3 am, tend to consume more caffeine, alcohol, refined sugar, refined carbohydrates, processed meats, and saturated fat than those who sleep early. And it could have major implications on health, particularly weight gain.
People who sleep early every night rated consuming more vegetables, fruits and lean protein, according to an analysis of data from 850,000 users artificial fitness tracker Jawbone UP. And the analysis exclusively released by The Huffington Post.
"" If you go to bed an hour early, and do it consistently for a year, according to the theory, this could make you lose weight about 3 kilograms without the need for changes in activity, "" Dr. Kirstin Aschbacher, a scientist told HuffPost Jawbone data.
The report, obtained by Jawbone is in line with a study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. The study found that people who sleep more quickly tend to eat less saturated fat than their counterparts who did not get much rest.
So also with the content of the study from the University of California, researchers found that teens who went to bed late at night are more likely to become obese over a period of five years.
Disadvantages of this report refers to the report Jawbone is eating and sleeping patterns were filled by the participants of the third party applications such as MyFitnessPal.
So it is possible, the data reported are not always accurate. While the purpose of Jawbone in collecting the data and identify trends is to inspire behavioral changes that can lead many people to sleep better and eat healthier.
Dr. Mitesh Patel, an assistant professor at the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, said fitness tracking device can be a powerful tool to support behavior change.
"" A notification in the app to remind you to do something that is healthy is a good start, '' said Patel told HuffPost.
For many adults, fail to go to bed at a consistent every night was probably just due, because nobody warned to do so. Thus, the presence of fitness or fitness tracking device tracker can be very helpful.

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Senin, 07 November 2016

Weight Not Going down despite Already Paleo Diet - Comp

Weight Not Going down despite Already Paleo Diet - Comp
 In recent years, popular Paleo diet is practiced by people worldwide. This ancient human diets advocate eating a lot of meat, vegetables, and low in carbohydrates in order to lose weight and body protected from disease. Although not enough time for experts to examine this diet, some people Paleo dieters do not lose weight as expected. What really happened?
Paleo word comes from the Paleolithic period, a period of more than 10 thousand years ago. Man in that era still living in caves. The idea of ​​this diet is anything that is not eaten by cavemen, we should not eat.
Popularized by Dr. Loren Cordain who wrote the book The Paleo diet in 2002, this diet forbids all refined products as well as whole grains, legumes and refined sugars. Foods that can be eaten is commonly hunted and gathered such as meat, chicken, fruit and vegetables.
Avoid processed foods and grow vegetables in the diet would be good to lose weight and prevent disease. But dietician Julie Upton in collaboration with the Paleo diet followers Crossfit athletes say many dieters do not pay attention to the intake of vegetables.
"" Few athletes Crossfit I know gain weight instead of muscle mass that rises when switching to the Paleo diet for their snacking nuts, avocados, protein but less vegetables. They should eat a lot of vegetables and fruit when this diet, ' "he said.
Another potential failure of this diet is calorie intake. No longer a secret that in order to lose weight we need to restrict your calorie intake. Paleo diet also will not successfully lose weight when caloric intake is excessive. "" Calories still a major factor and the reduction in weight gain. If a person does not experience weight loss because the Paleo diet or any other diet, he most certainly cause the intake of calories, ' "says Dawn Jackson Blatner, a dietitian.
Paleo dieters in America most of the actual intake of processed foods anyway. Because, at the grocery store provided snacks labeled Paleo. "" Any company can produce snack snack labeled Paleo although it contains a lot of sugar, ' "said Dave Asprey, author of The Bulletproof diet.
If you want to really lose weight with this diet, it is advisable to eat a lot of vegetables. Note also the calories that go into the stomach.
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Minggu, 30 Oktober 2016

Cermati DBD

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Cermati DBD

TANGERANG SELATAN, Masuk musim hujan, penyakit demam berdarah dengue condong bertambah. Oleh karenanya, Dinas Kesehatan Kota Tangerang Selatan memohon warga mewaspadai penyakit yang berjangkit melalui gigitan nyamuk Aedes aegypti itu. Kepala Dinas Kesehatan Kota Tangerang Selatan (Tangsel) Dadang Epid, Minggu (11/10), menyampaikan, tiga dari tujuh kecamatan di Tangsel sampai saat ini masih tetap dalam status zona merah demam berdarah dengue (DBD). Ketiga kecamatan itu yaitu Pondok Aren, Ciputat, serta Pamulang. Yang paling banyak angka peristiwa DBD yaitu Pondok Aren. Tiga kecamatan lain yg tidak masuk zona merah yaitu Serpong, Serpong Utara, Ciputat Timur, serta Setu. ”Biasanya, masuk musim hujan, curah hujan tak menentu. Kadang-kadang turun hujan serta sekian hari kering. Waktu seperti ini warga orang-orang mesti siaga, ” papar Dadang. Puskesmas Pondok Aren mencatat, daerah epidemi di Kecamatan Pondok Aren yaitu Kelurahan Pondok Kacang Barat, Parigi, Parigi Lama, Pondok Aren, serta Pondok Jaya. ”Mengacu dari th. lantas, November serta Desember, penyakit DBD umumnya masuk puncaknya, ” tutur Dadang. Dinas Kesehatan Kota Tangsel mencatat, jumlah pasien DBD dari Januari hingga awal Oktober yaitu 1. 476 orang. Pada Agustus lantas, dua warga Pondok Karya wafat dunia lantaran DBD. Riskan banjir Masuk musim hujan, Pemerintah Kota Tangsel juga mewaspadai 10 titik riskan banjir di wilayahnya. Titik-titik riskan itu menyebar di tujuh kecamatan, yaitu Serpong, Serpong Utara, Ciputat, Ciputat Timur, Pondok Aren, Pamulang, serta Setu. Penyebabnya paling utama banjir di lokasi itu yaitu buruknya drainase serta minimnya daerah resapan air. Dinas Pekerjaan Umum Kota Tangsel mencatat, kesepuluh titik riskan banjir itu, diantaranya, yaitu Reni Jaya, Pamulang, Cempaka Putih, Pondok Ranji, Pondok Cabe, Pondok Aren, Pondok Hijau, serta Serua. Titik-titik itu adalah lokasi berlangganan banjir tiap-tiap musim hujan. Kepala Dinas Pekerjaan Umum Kota Tangsel Eddy A Malonda menyampaikan, pihaknya sekarang ini tengah lakukan perbaikan drainase. Menurut Eddy, banjir juga akibat minimnya daerah resapan. Ruangan terbuka hijau begitu terbatas akibat tidak seimbangnya pembangunan di lokasi itu. Menurut Eddy, topografi lokasi Tangsel elevasinya alami penurunan. Air mengalir dari selatan ke utara menuju lokasi Kota Tangerang. Air mengalir ke Sungai Cisadane, Angke, serta Pesanggrahan. ”Idealnya, Tangerang Selatan bebas banjir, namun sebenarnya Tangerang Selatan juga banjir, ” kata Eddy. (PIN)

Selasa, 25 Oktober 2016

Minum Daun Teh Jati Cina untuk Turunkan Berat Tubuh, Aman atau Tak?


Minum Daun Teh Jati Cina untuk Turunkan Berat Tubuh, Aman atau Tak?


Jakarta, Cara-cara sering dikerjakan oleh orang untuk dapat menurunkan berat tubuhnya, termasuk juga dengan konsumsi minuman seperti teh daun jati cina. Tingkatkan frekwensi buang air besar, amankah bila minuman ini dikonsumsi sehari-hari? Menurut Leona Victoria Djajadi, BSc, MND, teh ini adalah satu diantara obat pencahar serta mungkin saja diuretik. Dampak obat ini tak baik untuk badan, terlebih bila dikonsumsi dalam periode waktu panjang. Waktu diet ketat serta memakai obat pencahar yang memaksakan badan keluarkan suatu hal, yang pertama kalinya hilang yaitu glikogen (simpanan karbo di hati), protein (dari otot), serta air. Glikogen bakal dipakai untuk mensuplai otak sedang protein lebih gampang di proses jadi daya di banding simpanan lemak, katanya pada detikHealth serta ditulis pada Senin (7/7/2014). Victoria lalu menyimpulkan kalau penurunan berat tubuh yang cepat pasca mengkonsumsi teh daun jati cina bukanlah bermakna lemak pada badan turut menghilang. Waktu diet ketat juga badan menduga tengah dirundung kelaparan serta mekanisme pertahanan yang dikerjakannya yaitu menurunkan Basal Metanolic Rate (BMR) atau daya standard yang dipakai untuk bernapas, detak jantung, dan sebagainya. Oleh karenanya, kita malah jadi lebih sedikit membakar daya. Kelak waktu diet dihentikan serta mulai makan normal, badan bakal menduga ini waktu yang pas untuk menumpuk cadangan daya sebanyak mungkin lantaran takut dirundung 'kelaparan' selanjutnya. Daya yang masuk bakal disimpan berbentuk lemak, jelas pakar gizi peraih gelar Master of Nutrition and Dietetics dari University of Sydney, Australia, ini. Pemakaian obat pencahar atau diuretik seperti teh daun jati cina memaksakan badan keluarkan suatu hal, umumnya terdiri beberapa besar dari air. Ini bakal bikin badan dehidrasi serta kehilangan ion-ion utama. Selanjutnya bakal berisiko pada dehidrasi, arrythmia (detak jantung abnormal) serta pergantian mood. Lama-lama motilitas usus akan tergantung pada obat itu. Dasarnya ini bukanlah langkah yang pas untuk weight loss diet, tegas Victoria. (ajg/up)


Sabtu, 22 Oktober 2016

Study: Regularly Eat Apples and Pears Can Help Lose Weight


Study: Regularly Eat Apples and Pears Can Help Lose Weight


Jakarta, Fruits in the know have a myriad of benefits for the body, one of them lose Agency. Yes, based on the research of everyday eating apples can reduce the amount of power too excessive absorbed from food. According to some researchers, consuming fruits which have a high content of flavonoids in Body weight can avoid last too excessive. Flavonoids are plant compounds which itself is found in fruits such as apples, pears, and strobery. Flavonoids are known to have anti-oxidant effects, to help avoid damage to the cell. But some experts also thinking that these compounds can help reduce the absorption of power is too excessive, especially from sugar in food. Some researchers at the University of East Anglia (UEA) and Harvard Medical School even say consuming flavonoid benefits associated with maintaining a healthy body weight, also lose weight when balanced with the Agency for the application of healthy diet and exercise with an active way. The more mature, people generally will naturally rise Body weight though only slightly. We have found that consuming flavonoids have a positive impact in protecting and even lose Agency, said Prof Aedin Cassidy, as taken from the Daily Mail, Friday (01/29/2016). Though so, need to remember that if want to lose weight so eating apples Agency should also be offset by applying a balanced diet and doing regular exercise. If you just trust consume apples but still a lot of consumption of unhealthy food and too lazy to move, researchers said the benefits of healthy flavonoids would be inefficient. See also: Study Reveals Eating Fruits It Can Lower Risk of Erectile Dysfunction (ajg / vit)


Kamis, 20 Oktober 2016

'Boosting' Approaching Fetal Body Weight During Delivery


'Boosting' Approaching Fetal Body Weight During Delivery


Jakarta, In the weeks approaching the end of labor, when the fetus is indicated to have birthweight less than the maximum so it takes effort additions. Extra effort is called for to boost fetal weight them to consult a doctor of nutrition. Well, wait a doctor of nutrition that will provide suggestions relating diasup size caloric needs of pregnant women. Especially during pregnancy, someone's mother must indeed complete nutritional intake. Issue a recommendation to multiply the consumption of milk and ice cream, according to Dr. Alfiben of RS Permata Depok, such a thing might be done. But he was told that was not too excessive. Dr. Nurhadi Rahman, SpOG who familiarly called Dr. Adi from Dr Dr Sardjito also mentions eating ice cream and drinking milk 'reliable' to give the weight of the fetus. The weight of the fetus itself can be monitored wear ultrasound. Beyond that, when fetal body weight is still less so in a sense the mother suggested giving nutrients from protein and karbihidrat. When the pregnant woman weighting but not important whether natural increase means that the fetus also not be added weight? Not really. Kan step measures the body weight of mothers and children is not the same. if a mother everything, now when a child using ultrasound to know his weight, said Dr. Alfiben. See also: Pregnancy, Observe It's When Will Make Long Distance Dr. Adi said that many aspects of the resulting fetus does not become more severe body with important way although his mother had been eating enough nutrients, for example placenta or placenta or channel placenta experienced problems , It was therefore the importance of diligent pregnant women to see a doctor to know the state of the fetus. Explained Dr. Adi, the increase in body weight of pregnant women are commonplace ie 8-12 kg. Beyond that generally the time of pregnancy 5 bln. weighs only gained 3 kg. Give the number of meal for 2 people in pregnancy actually do not need, just give 20% of the food but propagated protein, said Dr. Adi. Read also: Often Hear Fetus Young Again at Age Pregnancy 8 Bln.? It was a myth! (Vit / up)


Minggu, 16 Oktober 2016

Buah Kering Bagus untuk Diet

Buah Kering Bagus untuk Diet 
    New Delhi : Ada pemikiran kalau buah-buahan kering mungkin saja tak sesehat buah-buahan fresh yang lain. Tetapikelihatannya asumsi itu tidak lagi pas.    
Satu riset beberapa waktu terakhir yang di pimpin Dr Daniel D. Gallaher     dari Kampus Minnesota      Amerika Serikat merekomendasikan kalau buah-buahan kering tradisional     seperti aprikot kering     apel kering  kurma  buah ara kering kismis serta sultana dan buah prune layak untuk dimasukkan dalam referensi diet buah serta sayuran di semua dunia. 
Itu lantaran buah-buahan kering memiliki kandungan sumber besar serat larut yang diperlukan saat diet. Sama dengan buah fresh  mereka juga mempunyai nilai indeks glikemik rendah serta bisa memerankan utama dalam menghindar beragam segi penyakit metabolik.  
Terkecuali memiliki kandungan serat buah kering juga memiliki kandungan kalium tinggi yang bagus untuk diet. Tidak cuma itu buah-buahan kering itu memiliki kandungan beragam senyawa fenolik bioaktif   dan vitamin serta mineral spesifik yang unik untuk tiap-tiap buahnya. Berita paling barunya buah-buahan itu juga disangka memiliki kandungan kandungan tinggi dari beragam jenis polifenol serta saat ini tengah di teliti selanjutnya. (IAN/Zeenews)  

Sabtu, 15 Oktober 2016

Passion Omom 'Hot' and Clunkers in Tamansari

Passion Omom 'Hot' and Clunkers in Tamansari
 Your admirers of old cars? If so, you should join a community of other lovers. Therefore, caring for older cars sometimes difficult to do alone. In this community, they can share their experiences with others.
That is why, the Passion omom hot and Old Castle Car BMW 5 Series, the members of the community 5ers, also often gathered together. One of them today, Saturday, November 21, 2015.
Starting the morning with a cup of coffee at the coffee shop located at the pump Tanjung Barat, South Jakarta, a dozen members of 5ers eager to discuss the parts are increasingly difficult to obtain.
Accompanied by cooking fried plantains one member 5ers of Condet, the coffee drinking more exciting. Chat starts with wheels Hamann recently used one of the members.
Community BMW 5 Series, 5ers, when the convoy in Jalan MH Thamrin, Jakarta, Saturday, November 21, 2015. (
/ Hadi Suprapto)
Imperceptibly, clockwise shifted one to the number 8, the group then drove into the JORR, jagorawi, he went to Inner City Toll. Keep position, gas pedal, said Stanley J Tampi, commander 5ers.
Exit at the Semanggi Toll, troops towards the State Archive Building in Jalan Gajah Mada. Several other members joined, including from Sukabumi. So now the number 22 car.
The lovers of the BMW 5 Series, 5ers, posed in front of the State Archives Museum, Jakarta, Saturday, November 21, 2015. (
/ Hadi Suprapto)
9.45 last troop convoy to Coffee Kitchen in Fuxion Mansion, Jalan Juanda 3 Tamansari. Here, they discuss the next programs, including events turing out of town.
The lovers of the BMW 5 Series, 5ers, gathered together at the Coffee Kitchen Fuxion Mansion, Jalan Juanda 3 Tamansari, Jakarta, Saturday, November 21, 2015. (
/ Hadi Suprapto)
Although the topics being discussed seriously, silly action also marked along this hot omom meeting. I have, though lovers 5, hobby riding GoJek. Eh, GoMassage point, said one member of the introduction.
For those of you who want to join 5ers, can visit the facebook page at www.facebook.com/groups/here5ers.

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Sample Menu Mediterranean Diet To Lose Weight

Sample Menu Mediterranean Diet To Lose Weight
Mediterranean diet is one method of diet with nutrition that is inspired from traditional diet people of southern Italy, Greece, and Spain. The core of the program is to consume a diet of vegetables, fruit, and olive oil on a regular basis.

Not only lose weight, perpetrators Mediterranean diet can also reduce the risk of disease heart disease, metabolic syndrome, some types of cancer, obesity, type 2 diabetes, dementia, and Alzheimer's disease. Because this diet leads us to live a healthy and balanced diet.

Mediterranean diet

Mediterranean diet menu divides food into a pyramid shape as shown above. Bottom of the order is a menu of food that can be consumed every day. Menu above that can be consumed every week and the top one is a diet that can be consumed once a month.

Here are the rules of the Mediterranean diet food pyramid:

The third layer or the bottom
Menu contains food must be consumed every day. Some of them are fruits, vegetables, whole grains such as brown rice, olive oil beans, legumes.

the second layer
These foods should be consumed once in a week. Some of these marine protein sources such as fish and other seafood. Sources of protein derived from meat, poultry, eggs, and processed products from milk such as cheese and yogurt.

The first layer or top
These foods should be avoided or consumed as much as once a month. Among them is the sweet food and protein sources come from red meat.

Mediterranean Diet Menu Sample
Olive oil
Mediterranean dieters are advised to consume four or more tablespoons of olive oil per day. Good fats olive oil is very good for heart health.

You can combine nuts such as walnuts, almonds, and hazelnuts to consume each day. Besides being able to make full longer, nuts also proved to be good for the heart.

Fresh fruit
Dieters can consume three or more servings of fresh fruit every day and for fresh fruit juice 237 ml to 355 ml.

Fresh vegetables
Fresh vegetables are also important for the actors of the Mediterranean diet. You can consume two or more servings of vegetables per day and at least one serving of raw vegetables such as salad serving per day.

Fish and Meat White
You can eat 3 servings of fish and seafood once a week. Fish rich in omega-3 such as tuna or salmon can be the main selection menu. In addition, the consumption of lean chicken meat or turkey.

Use Substitutes
We recommend that you replace butter with healthy fats such as olive oil. Avoid using a lot of salt because it can increase the risk of high blood pressure. Instead, you can use spices or use very little salt.

Make Physical Activity
To get maximum results, have a physical activity such as running and swimming. The activity is part and parcel of everyday citizens Mediterranean coast. In addition, running and swimming is one of the cardio exercises to burn body fat overall.