Sabtu, 22 Oktober 2016

Study: Regularly Eat Apples and Pears Can Help Lose Weight


Study: Regularly Eat Apples and Pears Can Help Lose Weight


Jakarta, Fruits in the know have a myriad of benefits for the body, one of them lose Agency. Yes, based on the research of everyday eating apples can reduce the amount of power too excessive absorbed from food. According to some researchers, consuming fruits which have a high content of flavonoids in Body weight can avoid last too excessive. Flavonoids are plant compounds which itself is found in fruits such as apples, pears, and strobery. Flavonoids are known to have anti-oxidant effects, to help avoid damage to the cell. But some experts also thinking that these compounds can help reduce the absorption of power is too excessive, especially from sugar in food. Some researchers at the University of East Anglia (UEA) and Harvard Medical School even say consuming flavonoid benefits associated with maintaining a healthy body weight, also lose weight when balanced with the Agency for the application of healthy diet and exercise with an active way. The more mature, people generally will naturally rise Body weight though only slightly. We have found that consuming flavonoids have a positive impact in protecting and even lose Agency, said Prof Aedin Cassidy, as taken from the Daily Mail, Friday (01/29/2016). Though so, need to remember that if want to lose weight so eating apples Agency should also be offset by applying a balanced diet and doing regular exercise. If you just trust consume apples but still a lot of consumption of unhealthy food and too lazy to move, researchers said the benefits of healthy flavonoids would be inefficient. See also: Study Reveals Eating Fruits It Can Lower Risk of Erectile Dysfunction (ajg / vit)


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